
Mental Health in Lockdown - AUDIO RECORDING

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COVID has a huge impact on our wellbeing. Discover why it matters and how to support your own mental health in lockdown.

Living through the Coronavirus pandemic is very stressful and traumatic. Feeling more tired than usual but still struggling to sleep, strange dreams, unexplained aches and pains, a short fuse, being anxious or stressed, feeling sick or off-colour, heart-pounding and shortness of breath, new fears and phobias, feeling helpless and confused, struggling in relationships – all of these and many others could be a sign that the pandemic and the lockdown are starting to affect your mental health.
This course will help you understand:
– Why you’re feeling the way you are
– How to reduce your stress levels
– How to change the negative thinking patterns that are getting you down
– What things you can do to feel happier and healthier moving forward

This is the audio recording and slides from our online mental health training course on 30th Jan 2021
(PLEASE NOTE: Recordings do not include the content of the small discussion groups held across this course which make up 15-20mins of the session in total).

Once you have completed the your order you can download the files which contain the link to join the Zoom recording and to the slides.

Running time: 2 hours 54 mins

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